Scandal Sheet

Scandal Sheet is your daily source for pop culture/entertainment news and celebrity gossip, written by Jen McDonnell

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Taylor Swift Plays Rapunzel in New Disney Ad

Taylor Swift is featured as Rapunzel in an ad for Disney. (Credit: Annie Leibovitz for Disney Parks)

Taylor Swift is featured as Rapunzel in an ad for Disney. (Credit: Annie Leibovitz for Disney Parks)

Taylor Swift‘s transformation into a real-life Disney princess is complete. Here she is playing Rapunzel in a new ad campaign.

-Does Gwyneth Paltrow have Cameron Diaz‘s va-jay-jay on lockdown?

-I’m a big fan of podcasts but haven’t added Alec Baldwin‘s to my usual rotation yet. I think I might have to after hearing his latest with Lena Dunham, in which she gushes about Under the Umbrella Tree and bemoans Rihanna’s recent behaviour.

-Congrats to Kelly Osbourne. She’s secretly (well, not anymore) engaged to boyfriend Matthew Mosshart.

-Stock up on Canadian Club! AMC just announced that Mad Men is coming back April 7.

-Much like the rest of the world, Lindsay Lohan‘s lawyer is done giving her another chance.

-Meanwhile, her film The Canyons was rejected by SXSW because of “quality issues“. The same thing happened at Sundance. Maybe the director should have taken Steven Soderbergh up on his offer to edit it.

-If Hell Baby is half as fun as this insane Sundance interview with the cast, I’m in!

-Speaking of Sundance, Shia LaBeouf says he dropped acid for his movie role and then sent tapes of himself tripping to costar Evan Rachel Wood. Lucky girl!

Jeremy Renner‘s baby mama is a Canadian model who’s now living with him and his roommate. This is a sitcom waiting to happen…

Fringe is over, so we’re going to have to get our Joshua Jackson fix somewhere else. Like maybe this Buzzfeed gallery titled “15 Vintage Joshua Jackson Moments That’ll Make You Squee!”

Selena Gomez looks pretty good without makeup — as dewy teenage girls are wont.

Shakira gave birth to a son yesterday, whom she named Milan.

-In a new clip from Billy on the Street, Rachel Dratch runs the Julia Roberts Obstacle Course!

-Fox just pulled Ben and Kate from the schedule, which means you’re probably never going to see it again. I’ve never watched it, but judging by my Twitter feed, this is the WORST. NEWS. EVER.

-She may have used a vocal track, but now there’s compelling video evidence that Beyonce was at least singing along at the inaugeration.

-The best Super Bowl commercial of 2013 has already been decided. It’s the only one that stars Amy Poehler, natch.

-Hey, girl. Ryan Gosling wants to knit you a scarf.

Bradley Cooper is campaigning hard to play Lance Armstrong in JJ Abrams‘ upcoming flick. I can see it.

-The trailer for Olympus Has Fallen just landed. I was excited because I thought this was the movie in which the White House is ambushed and Channing Tatum has to save it, but this is actually the movie in which the White House is ambushed and Gerard Butler has to save it. Sad face.